The few elevated minds...who only disbelieve because they do not know,
we would remind of that apothegm of Narada, the ancient Hindu philosopher:

"Never utter these words: 'I do not know this—therefore it is false.'

"One must study to know, know to understand, understand to judge."

—Isis Unveiled, I, 628

Thursday, May 15, 2014

So you must have a government ID to vote eh?
How about - you have to have your Government Issued Number tattooed on your arm! or perhaps those RF ID chips in dogs and cats are now required at birth!

There are many Constitutional issues with these types of restrictions on voting and there have been many assaults on the 1964 voter-rights act but the bottom line is that Supreme Court has yet to hear or decide on several state wide mandates of this type - so far the high court has upheld the law as it has stood since the mid 1960's - we will see!

Hasn’t it been the Governments job to verify, and validate the electorate not the other way around? I signed the voter role and can verify my signature and that is not enough? Humm, seems like fear and suspicion is running rampant in the Land of the Free!

I wonder as the "right leaning" continues how far back up the trail we will go in destroying civil liberty and reducing the people's power to have voice in governance.

At some point the reality that, governance can become tyranny easily, which the framers of the US Constitution well knew, will become the reality -

how much the people will be able to reconstitute fair and impartial governance, when the populace realizes the score, may be vastly more limited by the growing technological might of a continually more and more Orwellian government bent upon keeping power, assimilating all, and suppressing derision, for the economic welfare of a wealthy elite who supplant the vote with dollars.....

That is a far greater fear, for me, then somebody voting out of turn!

Monday, May 5, 2014

well the winter destroyed the feeble attempt to maintain the green house. A heavy snow and hurricane force wind collapsed the reinforced pvc structure. now it is planting time again and the wind has not cooperated even in the least. 

Plans are to buy a tubing bender and create a more rigid hoop structure from galvanized steel tubing this season. Having had the experience from last season and knowing the expectations we will have for fresh veggies I would like to make the replacement a good bit larger then the 10x20 foot print of the first attempt but I will have to find a reasonable resource for covering materials and perhaps use some of the pre-fab devices to fasten the covering and allow ventilation etc so I have a great deal of planning and preparation to do before I build hoop house II.

 I acquired an inexpensive incubator and have had great success hatching our new chicken crew. There were two hatching cycles which resulted in 16 chicks. Plenty of young chickens and hopefully some of them will be laying blue and green eggs if the genetics prove correct and the Amerucana roosters have done their job. I do not know what I will call the cross breeding that I have but it will be interesting to see what these chicks look like when they are older.

I will be improving the hen house and making the chicken yard much larger this year. I would like to be able to house at least a dozen laying hens and perhaps a few more which means improving the hen house a bit adding perching area and mostly enlarging the yard. I think going up to 50x50 will be good but I still am worried about the marauding pack of coyotes. the fencing will need to be very high and will likely need a hot wire around the top. more planning and prep!

We will see how much I am able to accomplish this season!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Passover - family - spring - reflection - renewal
All are the moment that is right now and will begin this next years trials and tribulations. having given the last years over to memories and lessons - as we swing again around the sun..

I posted this elsewhere and though it apropos