The time has slipped farther along and there have been many things happen on the way. My garden this season has been abundant, but not so much as to give me all that is needed. I have found that the time commitment needed to raise a sustainable amount of home grown veggies is not yet within my grasp. I will however continue to try. I have several plots of land covered in green and producing a variety of veggies. I hope to be able to extend the growing season a bit with cold frames and the as yet not rebuilt greenhouse.
The greenhouse is still a series of drawings after the original catastrophe. I still will rebuild something soon however it will be built to withstand both heavy snows and the high winds we experience here. I will see if I can post construction photos along with more writing when I begin the project.
I enlarged the chicken enclosure this spring to allow a far bigger flock to wander freely about the lower meadow and have added guinea hens to the chicken flock.... I
will wait till spring to see what happens before I add a new crop of hens to the flock and bring egg and poultry production back up to the level before the great coyote massacre... I hope that I will be able to have broody hens by next fall that will produce a good crop of chicks the following spring. The guinea's may also be an abundant resource however they are as yet not in the laying season and it will be early summer next year before they begin to nest. Right now
I am focused on this falls harvest and being able to put away some of this
summers plenty for later when it is cold....
Fire wood must be cut, hauled, and stacked and other chores around the place are crying out to be accomplished.....There is always something to mend or build and never enough time or funding!